Cat Breeds

Somali: The Fox-Like, Playful Feline with a Lush Coat
Somali: The Fox-Like, Playful Feline with a Lush Coat

The Somali cat is an elegant and playful breed, known...

Sokoke: The Wild and Rare Kenyan Forest Cat
Sokoke: The Wild and Rare Kenyan Forest Cat

The Sokoke cat is a rare and exotic breed known...

Snowshoe: The Blue-Eyed, Gentle-Tempered Beauty
Snowshoe: The Blue-Eyed, Gentle-Tempered Beauty

The Snowshoe cat is a stunning breed with distinctive blue...

Singapura: The Small Yet Spirited Cat Breed
Singapura: The Small Yet Spirited Cat Breed

The Singapura cat is the smallest domestic breed, known for...

Siberian: The Majestic and Hypoallergenic Forest Cat
Siberian: The Majestic and Hypoallergenic Forest Cat

The Siberian cat is a majestic breed known for its...

Siamese: The Elegant and Vocal Companion
Siamese: The Elegant and Vocal Companion

The Siamese cat is an elegant and intelligent breed, famous...

Serengeti: The Exotic and Graceful Domestic Wildcat
Serengeti: The Exotic and Graceful Domestic Wildcat

The Serengeti cat is an exotic-looking breed known for its...

Pixie-bob: The Wild-Looking, Gentle Companion
Pixie-bob: The Wild-Looking, Gentle Companion

The Pixie-bob is a striking cat breed with a wild,...

Selkirk Rex: The Curly-Coated and Affectionate Feline
Selkirk Rex: The Curly-Coated and Affectionate Feline

The Selkirk Rex is a distinctive cat breed known for...

Scottish Fold: The Lovable Cat with Unique Ears
Scottish Fold: The Lovable Cat with Unique Ears

The Scottish Fold is a distinctive cat breed known for...

Savannah: The Exotic and Energetic Wildcat Hybrid
Savannah: The Exotic and Energetic Wildcat Hybrid

The Savannah cat is a wild-looking, high-energy breed that combines...

Oriental Bicolor: The Sleek and Social Feline
Oriental Bicolor: The Sleek and Social Feline

The Oriental Bicolor is a sleek and elegant breed with...